Wunderkammer 10.0 is a science-fiction film that depicts the inequality caused by map data access, glorified economic growth, and conflicting political ideologies. All visual elements composing the visual were created by combining artificial intelligence-based digital image creation technologies such as Google Map data crawling, VQ-GAN, and photogrammetry (object image scanning technology). The film captures the fragility inherent in the contemporary technological society and environment, and projects it into fragmentary events occurring in the possible world of the near future.
Wunderkammer 10.0 is directed together with Soyun Park, Yelim Ki, and supported by Stimuleringsfonds.
In a virtual city of the future, the operating system 'Wunderkammer 10.0', created to provide a more stable and fast autonomous driving service, crawls map data and learns by itself. Faced with the limitation of data accessibility within a specific timeline, Wunderkammer finds a long-expired travel blog on the Internet.
2022 World premiere at Jeonju International Film Festival & Awarded for Special Jury Prize at Jeonju International Film Festival
ACC Cinemateque at Asia Culture Center (KR), EXiS Festival (KR), e-flux (USA/online), Suspaustas Laikas International Experimental film and Arts Festival (LT), Jeonju Cine Complex (KR/online), London Korean Film Festival (UK), KFFK / Kurzfilmfestival Köln (DE), and Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf (DE) ...etc
TINC (Seoul KR) supported by Arts Council Korea
25 Jun 2022 Soundtrack album and publications released by Spa Recordings.