Inwoo Jung (KR/DE) is a Cologne-based artist whose work lies at the intersection of direction and collaboration. Jung’s practice involves materializing sensory experiences and imaginations into tangible forms. His sonic integration merges microtonal sound sculpting with obscure composition to create happenings and eco-soundscapes that transcend conventional boundaries. Jung explores intra-action and synesthesia by weaving together sound, image, and physicality. Through these interventions, Jung has presented projects in forms such as film, performance, and music.

After the debut album <Still Life With> (2020, 76666), Inwoo Jung made a sci-fi film, <Wunderkammer 10.0> (2021, SPA) with Yelim Ki and Soyun Park supported by Stimuleringsfonds and Arts Council Korea. It delves into the fragility of today's technology-driven society. And Wellsgoodness presented <Fantasia Realism> an audiovisual theatrical performance enacting surreal works with artificial intelligence, created in collaboration with Soyun Park at Rewire 2022 as part of the iii research residency programme supported by Arts Council Korea. Among other collaboration works Inwoo Jung recently directed and produced a 7 hours long, meticulously transforming soundscape album <Roomscape> (2023, SoundSupply_Service) with Kim Doeon, TIBSLC and Kim Hanjoo commissioned by Post Archive Faction.






